Will the United States Think Big Again?

The 1960s in the United States were an amazing time. The explosion of popular culture and radical politics in the second half of the decade, with its many icons – protest, black power, Che, peace, ecology, weed, Hendrix, the Stones, the Beatles etc – that are still with us, and also the disaster of the Vietnam War, have tended to eclipse the mainstream achievements. But in the 1960s the modern world was remade and it was remade first of all in the US. 

It was the era of the civil rights movement and the Racial Discrimination Act, and the beginning of the second wave of feminism that swept across the world in the 1970s; the decade of John F Kennedy’s New Frontier and Lyndon B Johnson’s Great Society; when Americans and Russians vied with each other to be the first into space and the US landed men on the moon. And it was an era of great boldness, public commitment and lasting achievement in higher education. 

More information: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20161005124121733