World Bank Development Economics Workshop

University of Arizona
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 to Wednesday, November 15, 2017
University of Arizona Tucson , AZ
United States
Arizona US

People automatically think of the World Bank as the leading global lending institution for financing — especially in developing countries — various anti-poverty, education, health and infrastructure improvement projects and programs.

Less commonly known is its vital role in setting the agenda for international development discourse. The World Development Report, or WDR, the annual flagship publication of the World Bank, is its most important contribution to development thinking and is one of the most eagerly awaited development reports worldwide, generating intense discussions among countries, policy makers, development institutions and academia.

At the University of Arizona, students, faculty and the general public have the chance to participate in those discussions at a workshop on Nov. 14 and 15 on campus. The workshop is supported by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.