Подготовь для каждого соперника верную тактику

Физиотерапия, верное расписание восстанавливающих процедур или специальная операция - всё понадобится, когда нужна успешная команда. Взращивай таланты, набирая будущих членов команды в университетах, покупай игроков на рынке передачи и назначай…

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Britain is set to be brought to its knees later this month and at the start of August with union workers set to walk out of their jobs and kick start a ‘Summer of Discontent’

As a result, millions of children and youth will be forced to continue learning remotely, compounding problems already evident after two years of COVID-19 related closures, including high dropout rates…

Continue ReadingBritain is set to be brought to its knees later this month and at the start of August with union workers set to walk out of their jobs and kick start a ‘Summer of Discontent’