L'ordre du jour

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Conference Presentations

Plenary Session I

Institutional Perspectives on Better Serving Indigenous Students

Concurrent 1A

- Integrating Indigenous Voices into Development and Decision-making: a Case Study from India

- Towards a Unified Model of Learning: Indigenous Education and the Life of Buckminster Fuller

Concurrent 1B

- Indigenous and Western Science in University Biology and Chemistry Courses: Students’ Perceptions

- ”We need to be a little bit educated to don’t make stereotypes”: Introducing International Students to Indigenous Peoples

Concurrent 1C

- Supporting Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples with Climate Change Challenges

- Natural Resource Partnerships and New Venture Creation in a First Nations Context

Plenary Session II

Access, Inclusion and Success in Higher Education for Indigenous Communities

Concurrent 2A

- Higher Education in the Indigenous Regions of Mexico: the Case of Hidalgo

- The Intercultural Approach in Education

- Home Mobility Program

Concurrent 2B

- Indigenization through Internationalization: An Innovative Approach

- The Eagle and the Condor: the Network of Indigenous Intercultural Universities of Latin America

- Canada in the Americas / Indigenous Exchanges in the Americas

Concurrent 2C

- The Role of Language Attitudes in Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo’s Language Revitalization Efforts

- Indigenous Language Technology Tools

- Reconciliation through Indigenous Language Education

Concurrent 2D

- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Promoting Self-reliance Among Indigenous Maya Women in Mexico   

- First Nations and International Partnerships: New Avenues of Economic and Community Development

Concurrent 3A

- Reorienting Educational Systems to Improve the Lives of Indigenous and Marginalized Youth: The Impact of the 21st Century Educational Narrative

- Bonding and Attachment in Middle Years Students in East-Central Saskatchewan

- Becoming Teachers in An Urban Setting: Teaching Trajectories and Identity of Indigenous Teachers in the State of Nuevo León, México

Concurrent 3B

- Reclaiming Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Canadian Aboriginal and Moroccan Amazigh Film and Video

- Policy, Rights and Relationships come Together in Aboriginal Mobilization Efforts

Concurrent 3C

-Developing a Research-Based Process Focused on Addressing Trauma and Addictions

-Utilizing Indigenous Methodologies Informed by Relational Ontology

Concurrent 3D

- Indigenous Source Water Protection for Kahkewistahaw First Nation Community

Plenary Session III

Ethics, Morals and Respect for Diverse Cultures and Worldviews